Will Contest Lawyer Houston, San Antonio, Texas

Will Contest Lawyers and Inheritance Attorneys in Texas, Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio

As experienced will contest lawyers in cases throughout Texas, our two attorneys each have more than 28 years of estate dispute litigation experience. Jack Lawter has been representing clients for over 38 years. We represent clients throughout Texas; primarily in Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Fort Worth, El Paso, Victoria, Corpus Christi, and the surrounding areas. 

We have represented clients in some of the largest will contests, trust disputes, and inheritance lawsuits in Texas in recent years. Will, trust, and inheritance dispute lawsuits are a primary practice for our firm.

Challenging the Validity of a Will

There are a variety of legal theories under which a will may be challenged.  Four theories often used are the following:

How We Represent Clients in Will Contest Cases

Will contest cases are highly fact-specific and can be complex.  There are often multiple parties on each side of the case seeking to prove the validity or invalidity of a will.  With decades of experience in will contests, trust contests, estate, probate and trust litigation in Texas, we are experienced in representing the rights of our clients.

If you or a family member is considering a will contest, or if a will is being challenged that benefits you, please call us.  We can explain the legal process and how we will fight hard for your rights if we are retained as your attorneys.

For more information on will contests, please see:


How Can We Help?

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